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Human or Machine? for your website translation

Cartoon lady in black dungarees with light blue robot with clipboard

Does your website translation agency always use the most expensive approach?

Want to make your website global, increase your site’s engagement and reach more prospects?

Of course you do.

The question is, what’s the best way of achieving this at the best price.

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What our clients say…

The Human Touch

Most website translation services and experts recommend relying on 100% human translation to achieve the best results. And they’re right. But not for every page.

At Brightlines, we know that some pages are more critical than others. And you don’t need to translate all pages the same way.

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Key product pages

The key product pages, plus the Home and About us page, are your crown jewels. Your marketing team will have invested in getting the messaging and tone just right. You’ll want audiences in other territories to get the same experience in their language.

So we’d recommend using experienced professionals and our creative translation service for these – creative copywriters who are native speakers living in the territory. They’re up to date with the culture and can translate the idea as well as the meaning.

But not all pages require this delicate touch. They can be translated more efficiently, and more cost-effectively, using a hybrid approach, such as AI enhanced translation – see diagram below.

And you can sleep easy at night knowing all your translated web pages have had an expert writer review them and will represent your brand well

It's just one example of how Brightlines website translation experts save you budget, prevent delays and avoid nasty surprises of misfire translations.

Our goal

Our goal is to make it easy for people to get superb quality translation.

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Type of translation workflow

Type of Service ‘Creative’ translation ‘Standard’ translation ‘AI/Human+Human’ edit & revision ‘AI/Human’ revision
Type of Webpage High level / high traffic selling pages with culturally sensitive content e.g. marketing communications High level/high traffic pages with culturally neutral content Simple messaging / low traffic pages lower down the site Logical content with negligible cultural nuance e.g.T&Cs
Type of Translator Transcreation Expert, editor and revisor Standard Translator and revisor AI + Standard Translator and revisor AI + Standard revisor
Human Involvement 100% 100% 67% 50%