At last! After over a year of searching, we have finally found perfect offices for our translation services company in the beautiful town of Corsham, where peacocks roam free.
Right on the edge of the Cotswolds, bang smack between Bath and Bristol, and a short whizz to the M4.
Yes we landed a gem.
Corsham is also a famous film location, most recently Poldark was filmed here which caused quite a stir. Last week Johnny Depp was spotted in a local pub which got some of us rather excited! But it doesn’t end there – our splendid offices are in Pickwick Park, Charles Dickens’s first novel The Pickwick Papers was inspired by this perfect part of Wiltshire.
When would you like to visit us?
In the meantime, if you would like to talk to Brightlines about our brilliant translation services. Give us a call.